Dr. Krishan Kumar


Dr. Krishan Kumar

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

email: krishan.kumar@polymat.eu
Tel:+ 34 943 01 81 69 / 53 27


Krishan Kumar received his bachelor’s degree in June 2015 in Chemistry from Ramjas College, University of Delhi, India. In 2017, he completed M.Sc. degree with a specialization in Physical Chemistry from the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, India. In October 2021, he completed his Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Pannuru Venkatesu from the University of Delhi. He started his Postdoctoral research in January 2022 in the Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University, South Korea under the supervision of Prof. Yun Suk Huh, working at the interface of Material Science and Biology. He joined Responsive Polymer Therapeutics Group as Juan de la Cierva fellow working under the leadership of Prof. Marcelo Calderon to develop his research in the preparation of nanogels for drug delivery applications.


During Ph.D. his work was focused on studying the polymer phase transitions in presence of different additives such as proteins, ionic liquids, and deep eutectic solvents. His post-doctoral research work was focused on the preparation of MXene based nano catalysts for mimicking the activity of natural enzymes.

Responsive Polymers for Therapeutics

Multifunctional Protein-polymer Hybrids
