Dr. Leire Sangroniz


Dr. Leire Sangroniz

Polymer Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Chemistry
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 3
20018 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain


email: leire.sangroniz@ehu.eus
Tel:+ 34 943 018494


Leire Sangroniz Agudo earned her B.Sc. In Chemistry in 2014 and a M.Sc. in Polymer and Chemistry (specialization in Polymers) in 2015, by the University of the Basque Country. She obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry and Polymers under the supervision of Prof. Antxon Santamaria and Prof. Alejandro J. Müller, at the University of the Basque Country.
Her thesis was focused on polymer physics and structure-property relationship, specially on the areas of rheology and crystallization. During that period, she did an internship at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) under the supervision of Prof. Ruth Cardinaels and Prof. Gerrit W.M. Peters
In 2020 she earned a postdoctoral grant and moved to the University of Minnesota to join the group of Prof. Marc Hillmyer and the Center for Sustainable Polymers. There she worked in the development of sustainable polymers focusing on the crystalline properties.
In 2023 she moved to the University of Genoa in Italy with a postdoctoral fellowship to deepen her knowledge on the relationship between polymer structure and crystallization in the group of Prof. Dario Cavallo.

Honors and awards

Honors and awards
2023 Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellowship.
2022 Iberian award for the most distinguished PhD Thesis in Rheology (2019-2021) given by the Spanish Rheology Group and The Portuguese Society of Rheology.
2022 Extraordinary award for the best PhD thesis University of the Basque Country.
2020 CAF-Elhuyar Award to the best article for general public based on the PhD thesis.
2020 Dokberri Postdoctoral Fellowship.
2020 Basque Government Postdoctoral Fellowship.
2019 Best poster award International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization.
2018 Internship grant from the Spanish Government.
2017 Best poster award from Ibereo.
2015 Best poster award from Ibereo.
2015 MSc award for the best academic course year 2014-2015 MSc: Chemistry and Polymers.
2015 FPU Predoctoral Grant from the Spanish Government.
2014 MSc grant from the University of Basque Country.
2013 Collaboration grant for undergraduate students from Basque Government.


Her research is focused on the structure-property relationship of complex polymer systems. Her interest includes crystallization (melt memory effect, crystallization kinetic, morphology) and rheological properties (linear and non-linear viscoelastic regime, including extensional rheology and large amplitude oscillatory shear) of complex polymer systems including biopolymers, copolymers, polymer blends and nanocomposites.

Polymer Physics of Advanced Multiphasic Polymers
