Dr. Edurne González


Dr. Edurne González

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

email: edurne.gonzalezg@ehu.es
Tel:+34 943 01 53 31


Dr. Edurne Gonzalez is working in two main research lines; the development of sustainable waterborne polymer dispersion (mainly for coating applications) and the fabrication of advance functional nanofibers by Green-Electrospinning process.



Dr. Edurne Gonzalez was educated at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) where she obtained her BSc. degree in Chemistry and M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials. In 2013, she obtained her PhD degree in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials from the same university with Cum Laude qualification and International Doctor Mention. During her PhD, she spent three months at the University of Surrey (UK).

Her later post-doctoral research experience is wide, in 2014, she moved to Cornell University (USA) where she worked in the fabrication of functional and stimuli-responsive nanofibers by electrospinning for detection and drug delivery applications. In 2016, she came back to the Basque Country thanks to the Gipuzkoa Fellow grant. She worked as post-doctoral researcher in the Polymers and Soft Matter Group of the Materials Physics Center (Donostia-San Sebastián). Her research was focused on the synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles for catalysis, drug delivery, and sensing applications. Afterward, she joined the Polymerization Processes Group at POLYMAT, where she is currently developing her research. In 2021 she got an Assistant Professor position in Chemical Engineering at the Chemistry Faculty of UPV/EHU.

Biobased and Degradable Polymer Dispersions

High Performance Polymers

Novel Applications
