Dr. M. Ali Aboudzadeh



Dr. M. Ali Aboudzadeh

Polymer Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU),
Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 3, 20018.
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

email: mohammadali.aboudzadeh@ehu.eus
Tel:34 943 015334


Dr. Ali Aboudzadeh received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Polymer Engineering from Amir Kabir University of Technology (AUT) and Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), respectively. In 2011, he moved to University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain, to do his PhD in Applied Chemistry and Polymer Materials under supervision of Prof. David Mecerreyes in POLYMAT. During his PhD, he spent 6 months internship at Institute for Frontier Materials-Deakin University, Australia under the supervision of Prof. Maria Forsyth. In the last year of PhD, he also did a one month stay in the group of Prof. Jairton Dupont in UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
After a successful PhD defense in 2015, he did several postdoctoral fellowships in different institutes such as:
- BioDonostia research center (2016), funded through a national project from ISCIII, where he was developing an economic, rapid and sensitive sensor to detect circulating DNA biomarkers associated with cancer.
- POLYMAT (2017- mid 2018), funded through a Elkartek project focused on microencapsulation of natural antioxidants for food/pharmacy applications.
- CFM – Materials Physics Center (mid 2018- 2020), funded through "Programa de apoyo a la Red guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Gipuzkoa 2018", where he was investigating on cyclic polymer/gold nanoparticles hybrid materials for biomedical applications.
- CNRS, IPREM institute, France (2021-2023), through a very prestigious competitive grant, Marie Curie standard fellowship, where his main research was on developing stable and versatile photo-active core-shell polymer nanoparticles via RAFT-mediated PISA.
Dr. Aboudzadeh is an author/coauthor of more than 40 research articles and book chapters. He is also the main editor of two books both published by Springer Nature.


Honors and awards

Honors and awards
2020. Marie Sklowdoska-Curie Individual Fellowship (grant 893426).
2022. María Zambrano grants for the attraction of international talent.


His research interests include polymer synthesis and characterization, polymer physics, supramolecular assemblies, rheology, and encapsulation of bioactive compounds. Currently, he is working in the group Prof. Müller benefiting from María Zambrano grant funded by the next generation EU and his research activities include design of novel hybrid polymer/inorganic nanoparticles, novel polysaccharides -based triblock copolymers and study their properties such as structure, morphology, rheology and crystallization kinetics.

Polymer Physics of Advanced Multiphasic Polymers

Rheology and Advanced Manufacturing
