Sandra Ramos Díez


Sandra Ramos Díez
PhD Student

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

Tel:+34 943018169 / +34 943015327


Sandra Ramos Díez obtained her BSc in Chemistry in 2020 at University of Valladolid. In 2021, she completed her MSc in Biomedical Research at University of Valladolid. During her university company internship, final degree project and master's thesis, she researched on the biosynthesis of Elastin-Like Recombinamer polymers for biomedical applications, as well as their production by bioreactors, their subsequent purification, and their physicochemical characterization. These biomaterials may have the ability to self-assemble under physiological conditions, spontaneously forming biodevices, the ability to interact with numerous therapeutic targets and to perceive and respond to a wide repertoire of stimuli.

After her studies, she started at POLYMAT Fundazioa (UPV/EHU) in November 2021 for her studies as PhD under the supervision of Prof. Sandra Camarero Espinosa.


Currently, Sandra Ramos Díez is pursuing her PhD in Chemistry at the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering in POLYMAT Fundazioa under the supervision of Prof. Sandra Camarero Espinosa.

The research project encompasses the chemical synthesis of biopolymers and tissue engineering for application in regenerative medicine.

Smart Materials for Tissue Regeneration
