Jacopo Teotonico


Jacopo Teotonico
PhD Student

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

email: jacopo.teotonico@polymat.eu
Tel:+34 943 018474 / 8460


Jacopo Teotonico earned her B. Sc. In Chemistry at the University "Statale" of Milan, in October 2018. The third year of his bachelor was carried out at Cardiff University as an Erasmus student. His bachelor thesis project was carried out in Milan under the supervision of Professor Seneci Pierfausto.
In October 2020 he obtained his master's degree in Chemical Sciences at the University "Statale" of Milan. The final project was a joined collaboration between the "LaMPo" group of the University of Milan and the "ICMUV" – Polymer group at the University of Valencia (Parc Cientific), where he spent 5 months as an Erasmus student.


His bachelor thesis project focused on the synthesis and characterization of biologically active molecules targeted against NS disease. His master thesis project was a comparative study on different synthetic strategies of PLA-PS all polymer nanocomposites.

The current Ph.D. research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of a library of novel vitrimers, a class of polymeric materials.

High Performance Polymers
