Roció López Domene


Roció López Domene
PhD Student

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

Tel:+34 943015325


Rocío López earned her B. Sc. in Chemisty from the University of Almeria in July 2019. In 2018, she moved to the University of Parma (Italy) to do an Erasmus exhange. Then, she did her bachelor thesis at the University of Almeria under the supervision of Dr.Ignacio Rodriguez Garcia. She did research in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Catalysis obtaining the total synthesis of a natural product. Also, during this year she carried out an internship at CIESOL (Almería).
She obtained her M. Sc. in Chemistry and Polymers from the University of the Basque Country obtaining the specialization in applied chemistry (2019-2020). During her Master thesis she worked on the functionalization of biodegradable polymer-based materials for biomedical applications at UPV/EHU and POLIMERBIO S.L (Donostia-San Sebastian).


Rocío is currently a PhD student under the supervisión of Dr. Ana Beloqui and Dr. Aitziber L. Cortajarena. She researchs at CICbiomagune and POLYMAT and her research topic is focused on the synthesis of multifunctional artificial biocatalysts based on protein-polymer hybrids.

Multifunctional Protein-polymer Hybrids
